Midhgardhur Wikia
Ægir, ruler of the ocean

Aegir and his wife Ran are divine beings of the Jotnar who, while not actively hostile to the Aesir and Vanir, are not particularly close friends of the gods either. Aegir is the god of the elemental sea - god of storms and tempests, surging waves and crushing depths. His wife Ran is the goddess of those who drown at sea.

In Midhgardhur, Aegir is said to be a parallel to Father Dagon of the Lovecraftian Mythos, while Ran corresponds to Mother Hydra. Like those beings, Aegir and Ran seem to be patrons of Deep Ones (a Deep One is called a Djupur in Midhgardhur) and hybrids of humans and Djupir.
